The Auxilium Society

Our Mission

To help, support and assist people and worthwhile causes to better serve communities. To Find, Fund and Foster a better tomorrow for those who need it.

Who are we?

The Auxilium Society CIC (Community interest company) is modernising philanthropy. We believe everyone has the right to make a positive social impact and benefit from it.

What do we do?

Auxilium creates environments where social, economic and technological advancements facilitate sustainable, positive impacts on society ensuring the productivity of our workforce and our planet. We give access to opportunities with lasting benefits for communities.

Group of People Forming Star Using Their Hands
Photo of People Putting Their Hands Up

Why do we do what we do?

We get involved with positive social impact projects, working to strengthen yet nurture people, build better lives and healthier communities, and “Find, Fund, and Foster a better tomorrow.” We are dedicated to collaborating and elevating individuals and underprivileged communities by stimulating social and economic inclusion.

How do we do it?

Auxilium’s strengths lie in its connections in business, consulting, grant-seeking, new technologies, innovative funding, and non-traditional financing abilities. We help people and worthwhile causes that ‘the computer says no’ to for whatever reason: too old, too young, wrong gender, colour, sexuality, poor credit rating, etc.

Join the Auxilium Society and make an impact.

Impact Supporter

  • Learn
  • First to see new causes
  • 5% Referral fee for Investor Introduction
  • Auxilium Gives Account
  • Fundraiser Toolkit

Make A Donation £1-£99.

Impact Champion

  • Learn
  • First to see new causes
  • 5% Referral fee for Investor Introduction
  • Member Shareholder
  • Auxilium Gives Account
  • Impact Fund
  • Personal Impact Tracker

Join for £10 Per Month

Impact Benefactor

  • Learn
  • Introduce new causes
  • 10% Referral fee for Investor Introduction
  • Shareholder
  • Auxilium Gives Account
  • Active Community Member
  • Active Promoter
  • Impact Fund Manager
  • Personal Investment Portfolio

£1500 / per annum

Business Partner

  • Supplier Account
  • Employee Recognition
  • Auxilium Gives Account Tag
  • Toolkit

Membership is based on Employee Size and requirements

Join the Auxilium society and make an impact.

The Auxilium Society, a CIC, examines various facets of life and emphasises the influence of individual contributions. By considering the bigger picture, we aim to elevate causes that may not always garner the same attention as others. Our mission is to steer society away from a donation-centric model and assist charities in exploring diverse fundraising avenues and leveraging partnerships with businesses. We have developed an accessible platform to encourage the integration of CSR and Social Impact as the primary motivators for collaboration.

Our Headlines

  • Supporting Charity, Communities, Not for Profits and Good Causes.
  • Assisting all to create a Social Impact in every community.
  • Helping buy outcomes and succeeding in making impact.
  • Transparent and Tracked Transactions.

No matter who you are, there’s a place for you in The Auxilium Society. We aren’t a group of activists, environmental warriors, or advocates for a specific cause. Instead, we are an engaged community that emphasises collaboration and establishes a clear, open process to effect change.

Born from a desire to improve, we provide all the resources and methods necessary to transform ideas into tangible results for various causes.

Selecting your Membership Package is straightforward – just assess your own requirements and abilities.

Membership Plans

  • Impact Supporter
    • Actively involved in bringing good causes to the fore.
    • Introducing Investors and Fundraising to The Society
  • Impact Creator
    • Creating your very own Impact Fund and benefitting from all the strategies and returns.
  • Benefactor
    • Taking the Full Package and making full use of the toolkit.
    • Creating and controlli ng your own panel of investors, causes and businesses.
    • Portfolio and Investment Manager.
  • Business Partner
    • Supplier Profile
    • Chosen Charity
    • CSR Programme

There are various avenues through which you can create a positive influence.

Recognising that not everyone has financial resources to invest or time to volunteer, we have developed a range of tools that cater to individuals regardless of their situations.

Upon becoming a member, you will gain access to workshops and assessments to discover how you can contribute.

Who Can Make an Impact?

  • UK Tax Payers
  • Business
  • Communities
  • Property Investors
  • Philanthropic Individuals
  • HNW Individuals
  • Influencers
  • Sports People
  • Celebrities
  • Government
  • Education

In Addition to your TAPinto®️ Platinum Social account, you can become an Auxilium Charity Partner, which brings your charitable organisation right to the forefront of community and social impact.

This partnership provides a suite of tools which will transform your fundraising through The Auxilium Model.

We will provide you with all the tools you need to make a bigger Impact in your community.

You will become one of our chosen charities so you will benefit from the Auxilium Gives Programme.

We will transform your current donors into Impact Investors and provide you with a Impact Dashboard which will revolutionise your funding strategy.

Your Benefits

  • The Auxilium Model
  • Access to Donor Tax Benefits
  • CSR Accreditation and Reporting
  • Investor over Donation Scheme
  • Chosen Charity Programme
  • Ambassador Programme
  • Referral and Revenue Sharing
  • Auxilium Gives Account
  • Impact Dashboard
  • Yearly Auxilium Recognition Awards for Charity

In Addition to your TAPinto®️ Business account you can become an Auxilium Business Partner which brings community and social impact right to the forefront of your organisation.

This partnership provides a suite of tools which will transform your impact, create CSR Accreditation and put you on a level above your competitors.

We will provide you with all the tools you need to make an Impact in your community.

Your Benefits

  • Active Auxilium Model
  • Access to Employee Tax Benefits
  • CSR Accreditation and Reporting
  • Investor over Donation Scheme
  • Chosen Charity Integration
  • Ambassador Programme
  • Referral and Revenue Sharing
  • Auxilium Gives Account
  • Impact Dashboard
  • Yearly Auxilium Recognition Awards for Business
  • Preferred Supplier List

The collaboration between The Auxilium Society and TAPinto®️ has provided us with a CSR Channel that is truly unique. The Organisations that are users of the platform can now access a community that have the goals and intentions that fulfil the CSR and UN SDG requirements. We provide more than a tick box exercise with fully transparent and Tracked Social Impact.

We work with you to align your business values to the outlined goals and also provide you with the toolkit to turn your own social impact and community interests into a measurable format.

We bring the current objectives into the real world and help you understand what you can achieve.

Your Benefits

  • Vision and Planning
  • “Making Global Goals Local Business” Toolkit
  • Explaining SDG’s for Business
  • Understanding your community and its impact
  • CSR Toolkit
  • Bigger Tendering Opportunities
  • Impact Measuring
  • Bespoke Impact Investment capability

With the Benefactor account you can become an Auxilium Investor which brings your personal Philanthropy right to the forefront of community and social impact.

This partnership provides a suite of tools which will transform your impact through The Auxilium Model.

We will provide you with all the tools you need to make a bigger Impact in your community.

We can work with your chosen charities so they will benefit from the Auxilium Society.

We will be able to offer you Tax Incentives and develop a full portfolio approach to your investments.

You will have the choice of being anonymous or having a full PR Package.

Your Benefits

  • The Auxilium Model
  • Access to Tax Benefits
  • Portfolio of Investment Opportunities
  • CSR Accreditation and Reporting
  • Chosen Charity Programme
  • Ambassador Programme
  • Referral and Revenue Sharing
  • Auxilium Gives Account
  • Impact Dashboard
  • Yearly Auxilium Recognition Awards for Philanthropy

The Auxilium Model is a working financial model which makes the greatest social impact possible.

The Society doesn’t give grants, loans or donations -It buys Outcomes.

-It Provides Solutions

-It Invests

A quick example.

A child needs overseas treatment. People rally together to fundraise which can take months. Usual 3 Outcomes – 1. Child to poorly 2. Treatment Cost Changes 3. Child Dies.

The Auxilium Model steps in at the first point and buys the outcome.

Buys the Treatment, Flights, Accommodation as soon as it is needed.

Successful Outcome achieved and now they work with the same charity/Fundraisers to repay the outcome over 3/6 months.

The returned money is available to deploy again and again and again possibly up to 6-12 times over a year.

Use the Auxilium Model

  • Investment Over Donation
  • CSR Accreditation
  • Measure your Impact
  • Share the Model
  • Transparent Funding Model
  • Trustworthy Transactions
  • Buy Outcomes

TAPinto®️ becomes a truly diverse Access Account

The participants in our community of Audiences platform come from various backgrounds and interests. By adding more causes, we enhance the potential for creating a greater social impact.

Access to these diverse causes empowers individuals and companies to contribute to a measurable, traceable collective impact. Moreover, each cause will receive a unique set of tools from the businesses within our user base.

This collaborative ecosystem unites everyone under the common goals of “Help, Support, and Assist.”